Pcr cheek cell lab master mix
Pcr cheek cell lab master mix

pcr cheek cell lab master mix

CoralLoad Concentrateįor enhanced convenience, TopTaq Master Mix Kit includes CoralLoad Concentrate. CoralLoad Concentrate contains a gel-loading reagent and two gel-tracking dyes. During the initial denaturation step, TopTaq Stabilizer freely dissociates from the polymerase without compromising polymerase activity. TopTaq Stabilizer binds to TopTaq DNA Polymerase, preventing polymerase inactivation during long-term storage (see figure " Stabilization at 4☌"). Template DNA and primers are also prevented from binding to the polymerase at low temperatures. The need to optimize PCR by varying the annealing temperature or the Mg 2+ concentration is dramatically reduced, or often not required. Owing to a uniquely balanced combination of KCl and (NH 4) 2SO 4, the PCR buffer provides stringent primer-annealing conditions over a wider range of temperatures and Mg 2+ concentrations than conventional PCR buffers (see figure " Increased specificity of primer annealing"). During the annealing step of every PCR cycle, the buffer greatly increases the ratio of specific primer binding over nonspecific primer binding. The innovative TopTaq PCR Buffer facilitates the amplification of specific PCR products.

pcr cheek cell lab master mix

High yields of specific products are achieved due to TopTaq DNA Polymerase, even when amplifying fragments of different sizes (see figure " High PCR product yields without optimization"). This ready-to-use master mix format ensures greater convenience. Due to the unique proprietary TopTaq Stabilizer contained in the enzyme storage buffer, TopTaq Master Mix Kit is the first PCR kit that can be stored at 4☌. Until the development of the TopTaq PCR system, all PCR enzymes required storage at –20☌. TopTaq Master Mix Kit has been developed by QIAGEN to provide highly reliable end-point PCR with unrivaled ease of use.


Visit the product page of the successor kit to view improved features or to request a trial kit.įor more information and FAQs on this transition, visit: Performance

pcr cheek cell lab master mix

IMPORTANT NOTE: This product is phasing-out until October 15, 2020, and afterward, available only until stocks last. High yields of PCR product are achieved, even after storing the TopTaq Master Mix for extended periods of time at 25☌ or 4☌. Providing all components in a ready-to-use master mix reduces pipetting steps, which lowers the risk of contamination. The unique TopTaq Stabilizer included in the enzyme storage buffer allows storage of TopTaq Master Mix at 4☌ and reaction setup at room temperature, without time-consuming thawing of reagents. It contains TopTaq DNA Polymerase, the unique TopTaq PCR Buffer that minimizes the requirement for optimization, and dNTPs. The TopTaq Master Mix Kit offers maximum convenience by combining all the benefits of specific TopTaq DNA Polymerase with the advantage of a ready-to-use master mix.

Pcr cheek cell lab master mix